Naumann Film realized the image film for the latest electronically operated MAN E-Truck, true to the motto "reinventing urbanity".
The film was shot on the factory premises of MAN in Munich on two days of shooting. Through visual effects and stock footage the impression of an extended ride through different areas of the city was created.
The movie was shot on the new RED Monstro in 8K. The entire post-production was done in-house.
1st Prize Platinum "Best Automotive film" - Worldfest-Houston, 2020
1st Prize "Award of Excellence" - Industrial/Technical/Business, The Accolades, California 2019
1st Prize "Award of Excellence" for Direction - The Accolades, California 2019
1st Prize "Award of Excellence" for Cinematography - The Accolades, California 2019
1st Prize "Award of Excellence" for Editing - The Accolades, California 2019
1st Prize "intermedia-globe GOLD" - WorldMediaFestival, Hamburg 2019
1st Prize GOLD - Mercomm Galaxy Awards, New York 2019
1st Prize "Master of Excellence"- CorporateMediaFestival, Suttgart 2019
1st Prize "Cinematography" - CorporateMediaFestival, Stuttgart 2019
1st Prize "Best Marketing Strategy" - CorporateMediaFestival, Stuttgart 2019